Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Friday and things are looking up!!! After my doctor's visit yesterday, I came home and put my jammies on, hit the hay, slept off and on til 10 PM!! I must have needed it!! I went out in the frigid cold to get hubby last night and crawled right back to bed to sleep until 10 AM. My BS was 199 and I took 9 units of insulin to cover breakfast and the overage. Breakfast was 2 pieces of double fiber ww bread, about 3 egg whites, and a piece of cheese. I also had 6 oz of orange juice to boost my Vitamin C. Dr. Oz says to try and eat the same things every day. I try to take what khe says to heart! And as a diabetic I quit doing the "magic drink" because I didn't think that all that fruit so earily in the day was doing my sugar any good. I never did come down with the flu but did confirm the UT infection. Feeling much much better today! Yay.

My grocery shopping go a big boost because I found a new website! It matches your areas' grocery store ads with coupons from your weekly papers and the internet. So far it looks like a great program and you get 4 weeks free preview! Then it's only $10 every other month for the first store and $5 for every store after that. So for 2 stores it costs $15 every other month and they do all the work to get you the rock bottom prices by matching sales to coupons!

Here the link if you want to check it out:

Tomorrow I will be posting some of my handmade greeting cards and they can be easily copied or stir up your creativity!

Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!

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