Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today I woke up with a 140 blood sugar reading. Not too shabby! It's not as good as yesterday's reading, however, I did eat at a restaurant for dinner and it's always hard to count cabs when your eating out. That coupled with not being at home all afternoon or evening. I got to drop my hubby off at work and head an hour and a half west to see my son and his family. It's a good thing I grabbed a couple of apples on my way out the door cuz I started to have a low sugar in the car. I wondered why the dog was getting worried! He kept turning in his seat every five minutes or so.

We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse and I had a Caesar salad, a bun with that awesome butter, 2 peanuts (they have a bucket on every table), and some bloomin' onion. My tummy felt that later!!! Lots of grease, but it tasted so good going down!!

I took them to the drug store and then dropped the granddaughter off at home and we continued on to Walmart to grab an Internet security program along with a cd walkman and some essentials like tp and paper towels.

When we got back to their house I installed the security software in one computer and updated another one. I almost got the security software configured but I ran out of time and had to leave because I had to drive the hour and a half back to make sure to get hubby on time! Ah, such is life! It was a good day and it sure broke up the monotony!

Today, it's back to the routine! My magic drink for breakfast, celery soup for lunch and a veggie soup for dinner! Did I mention we didn't shop this week? LOL Recipes tomorrow.

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