It's Friday and things are looking up!!! After my doctor's visit yesterday, I came home and put my jammies on, hit the hay, slept off and on til 10 PM!! I must have needed it!! I went out in the frigid cold to get hubby last night and crawled right back to bed to sleep until 10 AM. My BS was 199 and I took 9 units of insulin to cover breakfast and the overage. Breakfast was 2 pieces of double fiber ww bread, about 3 egg whites, and a piece of cheese. I also had 6 oz of orange juice to boost my Vitamin C. Dr. Oz says to try and eat the same things every day. I try to take what khe says to heart! And as a diabetic I quit doing the "magic drink" because I didn't think that all that fruit so earily in the day was doing my sugar any good. I never did come down with the flu but did confirm the UT infection. Feeling much much better today! Yay.
My grocery shopping go a big boost because I found a new website! It matches your areas' grocery store ads with coupons from your weekly papers and the internet. So far it looks like a great program and you get 4 weeks free preview! Then it's only $10 every other month for the first store and $5 for every store after that. So for 2 stores it costs $15 every other month and they do all the work to get you the rock bottom prices by matching sales to coupons!
Here the link if you want to check it out:
Tomorrow I will be posting some of my handmade greeting cards and they can be easily copied or stir up your creativity!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Well hello everyone!!! I woke up with what I think is going to be the flu! Isn't that such a nice present on top of a uninary tract infection??? When I get sick I guess I really get sick!!! That being said, I woke with a 234 BS (not bull sh*t) ha ha and I thought I took enought insulin to cover the 2 servings of tortilla chips I had with cheese, my peach salsa, and jalapeƱo peppers. Yum! 2 servings, 11 chips with each serving which equals 19 carbs each which equals 38 which at a 1 to 10 ratio of insulin which, bottom line means a shot with 4 units (cc) amd with a 108 reading before eating meant no extra coverage which in turn means I SHOULD HAVE WOKE UP WITH A GOOD NUMBER!!! but didn't so I guess I'll blame this one on an infection!!!
Just a little frustration going on here but I am defintely not giving up!!! So stay tuned! LOL
My son had a stress test done and it showed a blockage near his heart. He can't get a cardiac catheterization because his potassium level is to high. He has to keep a close eye on his potassium intake (ie: no potatos, tomatoes, cantloupe) because that cause kidney problems. The catheterization uses a dye that could send him right to dyalysis! The option is to wait until a heart attack and they will then fix the heart and he won't have to jeopardize his kidneys. What a sucky choice to have to make. This is why we raise money for the cure and research of Juvenile Diabetes!!!
He will be going home today and visiting the Nephrologist (kidney) doctor to see what he can do to improve his numbers.
Well now that the health subject is taken care of for today....lets visit some good healthy recipes!
Roasted Fennel and Baby Carrots
I absolutely love roasted fennel with baby carrots!! Yum yum yum!
The fennel loses some of the anise flavor and leaves just a hint which pairs up great with the baby carrots! You just take an amount of baby carrots and fennel "moons" on a shallow baking sheet. Cut the fennel in slices and remove any core from the slices. Drizzle with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and a little sea salt and some pepper! Easy Shmeasy!!! Roast in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, pull out and mix around to redistribute the oil and reast another 20 or so until the a fork goes through the carrots. Any left overs give a veggie soup great flavor.
Here is one more recipe:
Fennel and Tangerine Salad
Serves 4 to 6
For the most aromatic results, chop the fragrant, dark green fronds attached to the fennel bulb and toss them in the salad along with the other ingredients.
4 tangerines, peeled and chopped, seeds removed
1 bulb fennel, halved and thinly sliced
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 to 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients into a large bowl, toss together gently and serve.
Per serving (about 5oz/142g-wt.): 90 calories (30 from fat), 3g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 260mg sodium, 16g total carbohydrate (3g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 2g protein
Tags: Raw, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy Free, Wheat Free
This recipe came from Whole Foods Market
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
Just a little frustration going on here but I am defintely not giving up!!! So stay tuned! LOL
My son had a stress test done and it showed a blockage near his heart. He can't get a cardiac catheterization because his potassium level is to high. He has to keep a close eye on his potassium intake (ie: no potatos, tomatoes, cantloupe) because that cause kidney problems. The catheterization uses a dye that could send him right to dyalysis! The option is to wait until a heart attack and they will then fix the heart and he won't have to jeopardize his kidneys. What a sucky choice to have to make. This is why we raise money for the cure and research of Juvenile Diabetes!!!
He will be going home today and visiting the Nephrologist (kidney) doctor to see what he can do to improve his numbers.
Well now that the health subject is taken care of for today....lets visit some good healthy recipes!
Roasted Fennel and Baby Carrots
I absolutely love roasted fennel with baby carrots!! Yum yum yum!
The fennel loses some of the anise flavor and leaves just a hint which pairs up great with the baby carrots! You just take an amount of baby carrots and fennel "moons" on a shallow baking sheet. Cut the fennel in slices and remove any core from the slices. Drizzle with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and a little sea salt and some pepper! Easy Shmeasy!!! Roast in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, pull out and mix around to redistribute the oil and reast another 20 or so until the a fork goes through the carrots. Any left overs give a veggie soup great flavor.
Here is one more recipe:
Fennel and Tangerine Salad
Serves 4 to 6
For the most aromatic results, chop the fragrant, dark green fronds attached to the fennel bulb and toss them in the salad along with the other ingredients.
4 tangerines, peeled and chopped, seeds removed
1 bulb fennel, halved and thinly sliced
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 to 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients into a large bowl, toss together gently and serve.
Per serving (about 5oz/142g-wt.): 90 calories (30 from fat), 3g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 260mg sodium, 16g total carbohydrate (3g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 2g protein
Tags: Raw, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy Free, Wheat Free
This recipe came from Whole Foods Market
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
It's Hump Day!
It was a busy Tuesday for me so I could not get to the computer till late last night. Went to bed Monday night at 3 AM with a 336 blood sugar reading!!! I took like 40 units of insulin!!! Have I mentioned how insulin resistant I am? I guess I wasn't lying cuz I did not have a low. I woke up with a 225 reading!!! I could not believe it!!! What was going on???
I took some more insulin, grabbed an apple (just in case) and headed to Ann Arbor to see my new Endocrinologist. I was so so so excited. She was recommended by someone I really trust. WE met at 11:40 and I felt so relieved. She listened and determined that we would start all over again. Alright!!! She left my lantus where it was and adjusted my novolog with an increased scale. Then reminded me to MEASURE what I ate and to count the carbs and follow the scale! The doc wants my numbers faxed to her every 2 weeks so she can make adjustments and when I come back in 3 months, she assured me that we would discuss an insulin pump and Byetta. Yay!!! I back on track!!! I felt hope when I left my blood and urine sample!! lol
So I ate my apple on the way home and as soon as I came in the door I checked my sugar so I could write it in the blank log!!! It was 232!!! What the hell was going on?? I thought all that insulin I was taking would drop a horse!! So I took more! I called my one sister and told her what the doctor had said. I told her I was feeling a little funny and described what was going on and she said the symptoms I was describing sounded like a urinary infection. Duh!! It finally dawned on me why my sugar wasn't coming down!!!! An infection will keep your sugar so high and out of control!! So I took 2 antibiotic pills I had left over from a previous infection, I had to get a new prescription filled when those didn't do the job for a prior infection! So I took them before bed with a vicadin for the pain that was already in by back and headed off to sleep with a 218 reading and a little extra insulin.
I woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 105, thank you very much, and no pain in the back or when I peed!!! I feel human OH SO HUMAN!!!! Yay!! Really on the right track now!!! Thank you, Shirley, Jean, and Rhonda oh so much for all you did!!
Now, did anyone try the new recipe? I'm sorry to say that my dollars would not stretch far enough for me to get the ingredients I needed so I could not make it yet, but I will cuz didn't it sound good??? I will be eating chili, dumplings, and salad the rest of the week. New recipes are coming soon.
Did anyone see Dr. Oz's show yesterday? I am going to watch it today (I taped it) It was on, 'what's in your food' and today's Oprah is the same subject. I can only imagine. It's a scary subject but we need to know the truth and thank goodness we have two people that will give us that much. Can you tell I believe they will give us the TRUTH?!!
And one last note, my son is STILL in the hospital!!! They found no infections. And he found a doctor that will listen to him!! There's a surprise! You see at the hospital he is at (same as my local hospital) they test his sugar before breakfast give his the novolog to cover the high but not the breakfast he will be eating. Then they test before lunch and cover the high from breakfast but not what he wll eat for lunch!!! Then they test before dinner and cover the high from lunch and so on and so on and so on!!!! R U KIDDIN' ME???? In this day and age with all the diabetics in our society, they don't even have a floating endo to cover the patients!!! It is a travesty!! So he was lucky to run into Dr. Peterson who listened to his reasoning. Mike should be home tomorrow!!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
I took some more insulin, grabbed an apple (just in case) and headed to Ann Arbor to see my new Endocrinologist. I was so so so excited. She was recommended by someone I really trust. WE met at 11:40 and I felt so relieved. She listened and determined that we would start all over again. Alright!!! She left my lantus where it was and adjusted my novolog with an increased scale. Then reminded me to MEASURE what I ate and to count the carbs and follow the scale! The doc wants my numbers faxed to her every 2 weeks so she can make adjustments and when I come back in 3 months, she assured me that we would discuss an insulin pump and Byetta. Yay!!! I back on track!!! I felt hope when I left my blood and urine sample!! lol
So I ate my apple on the way home and as soon as I came in the door I checked my sugar so I could write it in the blank log!!! It was 232!!! What the hell was going on?? I thought all that insulin I was taking would drop a horse!! So I took more! I called my one sister and told her what the doctor had said. I told her I was feeling a little funny and described what was going on and she said the symptoms I was describing sounded like a urinary infection. Duh!! It finally dawned on me why my sugar wasn't coming down!!!! An infection will keep your sugar so high and out of control!! So I took 2 antibiotic pills I had left over from a previous infection, I had to get a new prescription filled when those didn't do the job for a prior infection! So I took them before bed with a vicadin for the pain that was already in by back and headed off to sleep with a 218 reading and a little extra insulin.
I woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 105, thank you very much, and no pain in the back or when I peed!!! I feel human OH SO HUMAN!!!! Yay!! Really on the right track now!!! Thank you, Shirley, Jean, and Rhonda oh so much for all you did!!
Now, did anyone try the new recipe? I'm sorry to say that my dollars would not stretch far enough for me to get the ingredients I needed so I could not make it yet, but I will cuz didn't it sound good??? I will be eating chili, dumplings, and salad the rest of the week. New recipes are coming soon.
Did anyone see Dr. Oz's show yesterday? I am going to watch it today (I taped it) It was on, 'what's in your food' and today's Oprah is the same subject. I can only imagine. It's a scary subject but we need to know the truth and thank goodness we have two people that will give us that much. Can you tell I believe they will give us the TRUTH?!!
And one last note, my son is STILL in the hospital!!! They found no infections. And he found a doctor that will listen to him!! There's a surprise! You see at the hospital he is at (same as my local hospital) they test his sugar before breakfast give his the novolog to cover the high but not the breakfast he will be eating. Then they test before lunch and cover the high from breakfast but not what he wll eat for lunch!!! Then they test before dinner and cover the high from lunch and so on and so on and so on!!!! R U KIDDIN' ME???? In this day and age with all the diabetics in our society, they don't even have a floating endo to cover the patients!!! It is a travesty!! So he was lucky to run into Dr. Peterson who listened to his reasoning. Mike should be home tomorrow!!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
It's Monday, again!!!
I do so love Monday's!!! Although I am not back in the rooutine just yet aas I say good morning to everyone! (It's only noon!! lol) Well I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine didn't go as planned but was ok. The vcr took a crap which hangs me up on my movie making, but wa'cha gonna do?
I made a huge vegetable soup that WAS going to be so good! Then I added too much white pepper :( I had no idea white pepper was so hot!! I swear I did not think it was too much in that huge pot! So beware if you have never used it before. Mam oh man it was going to be soo soo good! Roasted fennel and carrot was added and fresh baby spinach! I tried to use it by taking the broth and cooking couscous in it and adding carrots and beans. That worked out well. I had that on Sat. and Sun.
I tried adding a couple of baked potatoes thinking they would absorb some of the pepper like they will salt, to no avail. Such as life, you live and learn! lol
I had a low sugar last night about 5 AM (my last night) and thought I had over done it but woke up with a 139 blood sugar reading! Yay!! On the right track!
So today I am going to try this grain called quinoa. Why don't you join me? We will try it together! Here is the recipe:
I will be using craisins instead of dried cranberries and I will probably use walnuts instead of pecans. Make it your way and let me know what changes you made and how it tasted to you!!!
Changing the son is STILL in the hospital. He spoke with a doctor about an infection in his thumb nuckle of all places!!! He is still having low sugars and they are having a difficult time regulating the balance of insulin to food. Such a nasty nasty disease for type 1's. But only 4 years till the pancreas transplants. That is a miracle in itself!! YAY!!!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
I made a huge vegetable soup that WAS going to be so good! Then I added too much white pepper :( I had no idea white pepper was so hot!! I swear I did not think it was too much in that huge pot! So beware if you have never used it before. Mam oh man it was going to be soo soo good! Roasted fennel and carrot was added and fresh baby spinach! I tried to use it by taking the broth and cooking couscous in it and adding carrots and beans. That worked out well. I had that on Sat. and Sun.
I tried adding a couple of baked potatoes thinking they would absorb some of the pepper like they will salt, to no avail. Such as life, you live and learn! lol
I had a low sugar last night about 5 AM (my last night) and thought I had over done it but woke up with a 139 blood sugar reading! Yay!! On the right track!
So today I am going to try this grain called quinoa. Why don't you join me? We will try it together! Here is the recipe:

Changing the son is STILL in the hospital. He spoke with a doctor about an infection in his thumb nuckle of all places!!! He is still having low sugars and they are having a difficult time regulating the balance of insulin to food. Such a nasty nasty disease for type 1's. But only 4 years till the pancreas transplants. That is a miracle in itself!! YAY!!!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!
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