So this morning I got up quite early for me as I watched the baby all night to let the kids get some uninterrupted sleep. My number was 136 at 9 AM and at 1 PM it jumped up to 198 and all I had was 1 cup of coffee with a sugar substitute and some dry coffee creamer!!! Now what the heck is that all about???!!! HELLOOO!!! Is there any Lantus working in here???? I have kept up with my numbers but they totally suck!! I will be faxing this to the doctor on Sunday night so she will have it bright and early Monday morn and can adjust it a little.
I took a little break, bet you didn't even notice! So now it is Saturday the 6th and man what a day yesterday was! I was so busy I didn't eat breakfast but had a great lunch. I made quessodias (enough for today and Sunday!). 1/3 less fat cream cheese with no fat ranch dressing was the first layer! Then I added a big pinch full of 2% cheese, a tiny bit of chicken (yes I am no longer a full fledged vegetarian), some corn kernels, some green onion, and my homemade peach salsa! Yummmmm it was good and filling! I took 10 units of insulin.
Before dinner my number was 102!! Yay!! A good one!! For dinner I had 1 whole wheat pita cut in half (34g) with 2 teaspoons of honey mustard (6g)(one on each half) then I took a little chicken (maybe 2 oz total), and added sliced tomato and lettuce! Quick and easy! Added 1/3 cup of raisins (31g) and that totaled 71 g. So I took a shot of 8 cc of insulin. I had nothing else the rest of the night. At bedtime my sugar was 184!!! WTH!! I took 4 more cc's and went to bed! Today I woke with a 190!!!! WTH!!! I took another 4 cc's and am drinking 1 cup of coffee with sug sub and creamer (I ran out of decaf tea). On to fight some more!
Let me tell you about last night when I went to pick my hubby up from work. I went to start the car at about 11:25 to warm it up. I got the bright idea to use the spare key to start it and to use the do hickey to unlock the doors when I was ready to leave. Sounds ok, doesn't it?? Well it did to me at the time!!! Then it was time to leave. I got the dog and headed out....hit the button to unlock the door.....and it didn't open!!! Oh no!!! What the hell is going on???? Hit the button over and over and nothing!!! I tried the key in the keyhole but those haven't worked in years (the car is 11) because we never use the keyhole, always the button!! Oh shit!!! I tried the key in the trunk keyhole but it was useless! Then i began thinking it was a safety feature!!! WTH!! I had to wake my good neighbor up (thank you so much, AMY) and ask her to drive me to get hubby and when we got home he squeezed a wire through the window and touched the window button to lower the window and open the door. He thought maybe the battery was gone in the do hickey but NO! It is a SAFETY feature!!!
DO NOT DO WHAT I DID!!! Oh what a night!!!! LOL
So I thought about changing the format a little and I think this will work better for me: I think I will post in the evening after dinner and that way I can sort of keep a food diary and the insulin I take to cover the carbs. I hope this will give me a better understanding of what I eat and how much I eat.
I hope you will come along on my journey and offer support and tips and just stuff in general!
Everyone remember to ENJOY every second of your day!!!